Thursday, 23 June 2011

all b0ut l0ve...

"Love that we can not have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest and feels the strongest"

"Without you there is no love.
Without you there is no me.
Without you there is nothing.
So I'm asking, baby, 
please don't leave."

"I cry because I know
he doesn't feel the way I do
I cry because I think of 
how pathetic I am, 
and I cry because 
I think I'll be crying forever"

"Some people say the worst way 
to miss someone is when
they are right next to you 
and you know you can't have them, 
but the worse is when you thought you didn't want them anymore 
and then all of a sudden you realize 
you can't live without them."

"A million words wouldn't bring you back.
I know because I've tried. 
Neither would a million tears. 
I know because I've cried!"

"When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal." 

"Sometimes I wish I had never met you 
because then I could go to bed at night not 
knowing there was someone like you out there."

"A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding. 
Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling. 
And the most painful thing is, 
no one really hears it, except you."

"Some of us think holding on 
makes us strong; 
but sometimes it is letting go. Nothing hurts more than 
realizing he meant everything to you 
and you meant nothing to him."

Let your love know how much it hurts to be alone with the help of the above cited sad love sayings. Soothe and comfort yourself with these words of pain and sorrows. Remember, sorrow kills sorrow. It gives your greater strength to move beyond your failures. Tears are a necessity for a broken heart. But then fade out your pain and fear and let everybody your tough enough for any tide. Decide whether you want the relationship or move on. Either way, remember you must snap out of the trauma and get back to your regular self. Finally, remember the best way to overcome the pain is not to forget 

Friday, 17 June 2011

tinggal kenangan...

,,huh,,,,nyepyajux idup ku nkt0x,,mcm xbubah jux,,dh ku m0x bubah,wg pdh macam2 gx,,bing0ng ku ewh,,huhue,,,adalha kisah dl0x,,,hehe,best ewh,,tyme c0uple camya,,lpak sma2,,jalan pasa sama2,,,bhagia lie jux,,p,,ku pun heran knax mkwak pdey breax,,hehe,,xda jd0h kali upa,,p,,,camne2 pun kita hrus trimak juxla nk,agk muda jux,,ehehhe,,,nekt0x nya pun dah ada pengganti,,bahagia jux upa nya,,hehe,,aku pun trut sama mend0akan owg yar,,hehe,,,(just aq n owg yar jux twux,.,huhu)..indue sa ku m0k date an nya,,hehe,,c0z suma tyme mkwak bsama yar,,memang bahagia lha,,xpat pdah gx lha,,mayb mbak nya dah m0k mnum ea lie,,nya jady camyamhuh,,mlz m0k k0men pangeywg ae..ermm,dh ku sp0rting,x k0ng2 nya mnum pun,,wg ya ttap camya,,mayb nya memang dh ada wg laen lie oo,,hehe,,mls ku nk alek ekh,,yg pasti ak ng ssh m0k lupakkan nya ewh,,xtwux la,,ad0h,,,(sapa2 m0ok tlg nesa???ehehe),,oo,,hurm,,walaupun mkwak dh xbsama nkt0k,,aku still gk ingat an nya ae,,,dah ada pengganti pun still wak ku ingat an nya ewh,,p,,nkt0k,,aku dh dpat lupak nya,,sa m0k jady playgurl,,ssh juwk,,klak wg balas ngn kiter udik,,hurmmm,,,nkt0x ak dah da pengganti,,agx juwk ingt an nya,,camney ewh?huhuh...ak p0st lagu jiwang2 xdawak nya nk pasan ewh,hurm,,,huh!!dah2 gk nesa!! dah gk jiwang,,hahakz!!..hehe.lelah dah ku ngga suma yar,,0wg frust camt0k lha ska wg ngga,,bdo pwan ya pdh wg ekh, ku m0k p0lah nkt0x,,aku m0k try membahagiakan drik ngn pengganti owg yar,huhue...ku xm0k nk kamb0h2 ekh,,wg xska nga ku bhagia bah,,hehe,,,biar wg pdah apa,,,haha,,,sampey ct0x jux mn0k ceta panjang,,,ckp2 la oww,,,,,hehehe..semua t0x just knangan aku ngn 0wg yar,hehe...xda pa2 gk bah,,,k,,,